That's Natural! Talk-Casts

That's Natural!
That's Health & Wellness!
That's Art N Culture!
That's Local!

Always available to the right and at the bottom of this blog!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Interview with Carrie - Live From Within

Art is an inherent part of this beautiful individual's business and heart. This morning I had the pleasure of talking to Carrie Sokalski of Live From Within.

Her business focuses on helping You find the inner YOU, the REAL YOU, that deep part of your soul that can find happiness and contentment in this hectic and frantic world.

Her art is a rendition of Carrie's spirit and creativity. And I encourage you to take a look at:

Our interview can be found on the Talk-Cast "Arts N Culture - An Introduction" at the bottom of this blog.

Interview with Kimberly from Thrive Lifestyles

Wow! Kimberly Schaub of Thrive Lifestyles sat down with That's Natural! to discuss her business and her new service "Lifestyle Meals". What wonderful class to dive into EFFICIENCY and PRODUCTIVITY for the working student, parent, family, even single adult.

She helps guide you into meal-planning for the entire week, and teaches you how to take RESPONSIBILITY to feed yourself and your family in a NUTRITIOUS and AFFORDABLE fashion.

Her interview can be found on the "Health & Wellness - Introduction" Talk-Cast at the bottom of this blog!

Local Economic Development - Introduction

That is a long word. What in the world does it mean?

It means putting that hard-earned DOLLAR of your BACK INTO YOUR COMMUNITY. Supporting small, LOCAL businesses. When you give that dollar to a local business it is going to support THEM, not investors and stockholders thousands of miles away.

When your hard-earned money stays in your community, you create LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. This encourages more positive and sustainable developments that will have a POSITIVE impact on you and your community!!!

TAKE A LOOK at the "That's Local" Talk-Cast at the bottom of this blog!

Arts N Culture - Introduction

How important is creativity to the Human Race? Well, in our opinion....VERY IMPORTANT. The ARTS- visual or performing - are so incredibly important for the development of the human brain. They are a method of relaxation, and they are time to enjoy the creativity of those around you.

Your CULTURE, and the HISTORY of your family, community, and country are also incredibly important. We learn about how others "survived" and what others have seen with their EXPERIENCES. We get to learn and grow from this knowledge and wisdom.

At That's Natural! we are focused on promoting the arts and activities that celebrate the culture and history of our lives.

TAKE A LOOK at the "That's Arts N Culture" Talk-Cast at the bottom of this blog!

Health & Wellness - Introduction

Health & Wellness. It is about more than counting calories and watching one's weight. It is also about being an AWARE Consumer and knowing EXACTLY what is going into one's body.

Look at the labels. Start researching products and ingredients that you do not know about. Does the product claim to be "Natural" - find out if it really is. BE AN AWARE CONSUMER.

At That's Natural! we look at "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".

What are the "Bad" products in our society's food supply and environment? What are the "Ugly" consequences of continuously consuming or being exposed to these products? What are the "Good" products and services that we can take advantage of to make our lives and communities HEALTHIER and SUSTAINABLE?

TAKE A LOOK at the "That's Health & Wellness" Talk-Cast at the bottom of this blog!

MISSION of That's Natural!

That's Natural! is dedicated to the EDUCATION and PROMOTION of products and services that are Good For People.

The aims of this company are: HEALTH & WELLNESS, ARTS & CULTURE,

We want to see people THRIVE in their lifestyles, career, and environment.